WAEC GCE  Result Statistics: West African Examination Council (WAEC) Results Statistics for the West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE) For Private Candidates (GCE) First (1st) Series January/February Examination 35.46% Obtained 5 Credits Including English & Maths.

Shortly after releasing the West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE) For Private Candidates First (1st) Series January/February Results the West African Examination Council [WAEC] has also published the results statistics for the just concluded examination.

Candidates who sat for the examination are free to check the details of their performance on the council’s result website.The result checker PIN and serial number needed by them to check their results online are contained on the candidate’s photo card obtained during the registration for the examination or they can easily purchase the result checker pin via remita online – See How to Purchase WAEC Result Checker e-Pin.

WAEC GCE January/February Result Statistics | 35.46% Pass Recorded

An analysis of the candidates’ performance shows that 2,960 candidates (35.46%) obtained credit and above in a minimum of five subjects (with or without English Language and/or Mathematics). 

 Additionally, 2,003 candidates (23.99%) achieved credit and above in a minimum of five subjects, including English Language and Mathematics.

Among the participants, 27 candidates with varying degrees of special needs were registered for the examination, including eight visually challenged candidates, two with impaired hearing, and four albinos. All special needs candidates received adequate support during the administration of the examination.

Candidates who participated in the WASSCE Private Candidates 2023 – First Series are encouraged to carefully review their results and take the necessary actions as required.

Out of the 8,348 candidates who took the examination, 4,161 were male (49.84%) and 4,187 were female (50.16%).

The results of Four Hundred and Thirteen (413) candidates, representing 4.95% of the total number of candidates that sat the examination, are being withheld in connection with various reported cases of examination malpractice. 

The cases are being investigated and reports of the investigations will be presented to the appropriate Committee of the Council for determination in due course. The Committee’s decisions will be communicated directly to the affected candidates thereafter.

Candidates who sat the examination should visit www.waecdirect.org to check their results. Candidates will also be required to apply for hardcopies of their certificates online through the WAEC Certificate Request Portal (e-Certman) website: https://certrequest.waec.ng/ .

They can also access, share and download their digital certificates online by visiting www.waec.org once the hard copies are available.

The West African Examinations Council (WAEC), Nigeria, would like to thank the Federal Government, Security Agencies, the Nigeria Administrative & Finance Committee of WAEC, Staff, Supervisors, Invigilators, Custodians, Examiners, the Mass media, other Ad-hoc personnel and, indeed, all other stakeholders for their contributions towards the successful conduct of the examination, marking of scripts and release of the result of the WASSCE for Private Candidates, First Series in Nigeria.

The West African Examinations Council congratulates all candidates who sat the examination.

Patrick E. Areghan,
FCGP Head of National Office,
WAEC, Yaba.
Issued by the Public Affairs Department.

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